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Nick FarrellDecember 17, 2024

World of Warcraft Siren Isle Patch: All Changes Coming, New Content and More

World of Warcraft The War Within is finally here, and fans worldwide are checking out the new zones, story and hero talents. 

Now, we're getting ready for the next patch in the cycle, and this will be 11.0.7, which has some exciting content for players. 

Here's all of the content coming. 

World of Warcraft Siren Isle Patch: All Changes Coming, New Content and More

The War Within has been off to a great start, and the 20th anniversary patch is going to bring a ton of content for players to check out.

Amongst the content is a brand new island for players to check out in the form of the Siren Isle, and there is bound to be some exploratory content here. 

World of Warcraft Patch 11.0.7 will be released on December 17, 2024, and Blizzard has detailed most of the content coming, which can be viewed below. 


Explore alongside the goblin, earthen, and Arathi expedition teams to learn more about the "singing crystal" located at the heart of Siren Isle.

While battling through enemies new and old with daring bravado, earn a new currency—Flame-Blessed Iron—to trade for items like mounts, pets, gear, and transmogs. It can also be used to open one of three Excavation sites on the island, allowing players to kill a formidable foe and earn unique rewards.

A powerful new ring—Cyrce's Circlet—is available by completing the Siren Isle introductory quest line. By completing a series of quests, players can upgrade their ring over time to increase its item level and gain new powers to help them on Siren Isle.

Players can also earn Singing Citrines, which can be socketed in and out of Cyrce's Circlet. These Citrines can be mixed and matched to create powerful combinations, and the gems can be socketed and unsocketed as they see fit. [LEARN MORE]


Humans and Kul Tiran will gain new Arathi ear customizations. Head over to the Barber Shop to change up your appearance.


    • Developer's note: We're making updates to several racial abilities with the goal of increasing the viability of some underrepresented races. Many of these abilities have fallen behind naturally within the game's ecosystem and our hope is that targeted tweaks will help promote increased diversity of racials across all content types.
    • Draenei
      • Gift of the Naaru cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
    • Highmountain Tauren
      • Rugged Tenacity's effect increased by 50%.
    • Lightforged Draenei
      • Light's Judgment radius increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards) and its visual size increased.
      • Light’s Judgment’s damage increased by 40% and it now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
      • Holy Resistance has been renamed to Holy Providence and now increases healing done by 1%.
    • Mag'har Orc
      • Stats granted from Ancestral Call increased by 30% and now increases one of your two highest secondary stats.
    • Nightborne
      • Arcane Pulse damage increased by 300% and now reduces movement speed by 80% (was 50%). Duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 12 seconds).
    • Void Elf
      • Spatial Rift movement speed of the rift increased by 80%, duration is increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds), and maximum range increased to 35 yards. The visual effect has been updated and no longer appears for party members.
      • Entropic Embrace: Proc activation rate adjusted, now increases healing and damage by 5% for 12 seconds (was duplicate healing/damage). Now functions with absorbs.
    • Vulpera
      • Bag of Tricks healing and damage increased by 40%.
      • Bag of Tricks now decreases enemy movement speed by 80% for 4 seconds and increases ally movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds. Now only affects a single target.
    • Worgen
      • Darkflight now stacks its speed bonus with other movement increasing effects.
      • Darkflight cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes (was 2 minutes).
    • Zandalari Troll
      • Regeneratin' no longer cancels from periodic damage effects, its cooldown is now 3 minutes (was 2.5 minutes), and heals for 50% of your maximum health (was 100%).
      • Embrace of Akuna healing increased by 300% and chance to trigger increased by 250%.
      • Embrace of Bwonsamdi effect increased by 50%.
      • Embrace of Kimbul chance to trigger increased by 400%.