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Nick FarrellDecember 18, 2024

World of Warcraft Patch 11.0.7: All Class Changes

World of Warcraft The War Within is finally here, and fans worldwide are checking out the new zones, story and hero talents. 

Now, we're getting ready for the next patch in the cycle, and this will be 11.0.7, which will introduce some interesting class changes, 

Here's what you need to know. 

World of Warcraft Patch 11.0.7: All Class Changes 

Amongst the content is a brand new island for players to check out in the form of the Siren Isle, and there is bound to be some exploratory content here. 

World of Warcraft Patch 11.0.7 will be released on December 17, 2024, and will feature the following class changes. 


    • Unholy
      • Apocalypse ghoul damage increased by 30%. 
      • Death Coil damage increased by 8%. 
      • Clawing Shadows damage increased by 10%.
      • Vampiric Strike damage increased by 10%.
      • Scourge Strike damage increased by 10%.
      • Rotten Touch now increases the damage of your Scourge Strike against the target by 60% (was 50%). 
    • Felblade damage increased by 10%. 
    • The Hunt initial damage increased by 10%. 
    • Havoc
      • Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage increased by 10%. 
      • Demon's Bite/Demon Blades damage increased by 10%. 
    • Devastation
      • All damage increased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat. 
      • Pyre damage increased by 20%. 
    • Marksmanship
      • Trick Shots damage percentage increased to 75% (was 65%). 
      • Razor Fragments area of effect damage percentage increased to 35% (was 25%). 
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage increased by 15%. 
      • Dark Ranger: Shadow Surge damage increased by 25%. 
      • Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder damage increased by 25%. 
    • Holy
      • Veneration now transfers 225% of damage done into healing (was 200%). 
      • Saved by the Light absorb amount increased by 15%. Does not affect PvP combat. 
      • Consecrate damage increased by 30%. 
      • Lightsmith
        • Tempered in Battle no longer activates while the paladin is within crowd control.
        • Tempered in Battle no longer activates if its target is in Cyclone, Detainment Imprison, or Diamond Ice Freezing Trap. 
    • Holy
      • Flash Heal healing increased by 15%. 
      • Holy Fire damage increased by 15%. 
    • Restoration
      • Totemic: Surging Totem mana cost reduced by 25%. 
    • Affliction
      • Haunt damage increased by 75%. Not applied to PvP combat. 
      • Oblivion damage increased 25%. 
      • Perpetual Unstability damage increased by 25%. 
      • Focused Malignancy now causes Malefic Rapture to deal 25% increased damage to targets suffering from Unstable Affliction (was 15%). Not applied to PvP combat. 
      • Xavius' Gambit now increases the damage of Unstable Affliction by 20% (was 15%). 
      • Siphon Life now increases Corruption damage by 30% (was 20%). 

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