Valorant is a game filled with possibilities, and Riot has made this clear over the years with the addition of many agents.
However, with the addition of more and more agents, some are feeling a bit left out, and fans are starting to notice.
Valorant Players Are Wondering Why No-one Plays This One Agent
With the recent addition of Clove, the game has a flurry of Controllers at the moment, and players are feeling overjoyed with the options they now have.
However, a new Reddit post has surfaced, which questions into why we never see Astra in ranked anymore.
Some users summed it up pretty well, with u_slashh noting:
"She's probably the most difficult agent to play in the entire game. She requires precise communication and game sense to play to her fullest potential, and ranked soloQ makes this hard."
This sums up the current meta of the game, as there's much easier agents to play such as Brimstone, Clove and Omen. Astra is more suited for five stacks, due to the precise execution you need.