Satisfactory 1.0 has now officially released, and while the game was in early access for quite some time, there's some brand new additions to the game.
With it also soaring with new players, you're going to want to get off to a hot start, and perhaps using some of the following console commands will help.
Here's what you need to know.
Satisfactory 1.0: Full Console Commands/Cheats List
Satisfactory has a relaxing game where you'll be tasked with building and operating a production plant on these vast planets that will take a lot of planning to say the least.
The game has seen various improvements over the years, and while in-game you can bring up the in-game console via the tilde (~) key.
Once this is complete, you can enter any of the following commands via satisfactory.fandom.com.
Command | Window | Default | Use/effect |
? (without pressing enter) | Small | Shows a complete list of all commands, some with brief explanations.
There are 2296 commands in total as of Patch, though not all of them are usable as public user.
materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString] | Large | This command can be used to find the items required per second for all craftable items in the game. To use the command, type "materialFlowAnalysis" (not case sensitive) and then type in the item name you wish to find out about (this is case sensitive). | |
Small | 2.2 |
r.Atmosphere [0/1] | 1 | Activates/deactivates the atmosphere. | |
r.Fog [0/1] | 1 | Activates/deactivates the fog. | |
r.ViewDistanceScale | 1 | Sets the render distance of things like Trees/Foliage/Rocks (Can be FPS heavy if set to high values and can give your more FPS if set to lower values). | |
r.ScreenPercentage [percent] | 100 | Sets internal resolution scale. It can be used together with r.TemporalAA.Upsampling set to 1 to get a "fake" full resolution image achieved with temporal anti-aliasing (TAA). This can improve performance a lot. | |
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number] | 0.2 | Range 0-1. Sets the impact of the current internal frame to the final image. Set this to a low value e.g. 0.05 for better anti-aliasing or better upsampling at the cost of more artifacts (especially smearing) in motion. Also, increase r.TemporalAASamples to something larger like 16 when using low values. | |
r.TemporalAAFilterSize | 1 | Sets the spread of the TAA samples. Use values below 1 like 0.25 to sharpen the image (only works if r.TemporalAASamples > 6). | |
r.TemporalAASamples [number] | 8 | Sets the number of samples to use for TAA. Set this to 2 - 5 to reduce jitter. | |
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen [number] | 0 | Sets the amount of a simple sharpen filter. | |
ShowDebug DebugType[FName] | Activating command with any of the below will show the following information in the top left corner of the screen regardless of the command executed (unless otherwise stated):
Replace italicized text with any of the following:
Stat FPS | Activates Unreal Engine 4's built-in FPS counter, all command fields are non-case-sensitive. The FPS counter will work in all environments, even on loading screens or the main menu. | ||
Stat Levels | From the description: "Displays level streaming info". | ||
Stat Unit | Activates shows a small readout of various statistics including: Frame time (1000/Frame time = FPS), Game time (1000/Game time = UPS), Draw time (unknown), GPU time (unknown), RHIT time (unknown) and whether or not DynRes is supported (use unknown). | ||
Suicide | Has the same effect like using the Respawn option from the in-game menu. | ||
t.MaxFPS [number] | 0 | Sets the maximum framerate. 0 makes the framerate unlimited. | |
FOV [number] | Sets field of view to the entered value, however, values over 150 can become unstable and glitches will occur. The FOV can be changed by a slider in the game's option, but this console commands allows to set it to any value beyond the slider. |