Update goes Vroom

A new update has arrived for Rocket League, introducing a fresh batch of bug fixes and quality of life improvements to the free-to-play game.
This update majorly focuses on improving Free Play mode and the Ball Control in this practice mode.
Here's what's new in update 2.06!
v2.06 Patch Notes
Free Play Ball Control
New ball controls are now available in Free Play
- We want to thank everyone who contributes to BakkesMod and their hard work for inspiring this feature addition
You can now control the ball in five different ways with the push of a button:
- Take Possession: Places the ball in front of your car
- Start Dribble: Places the ball on the hood of your car
Pass Ball: Sends the ball towards your car
- Sometimes the pass will be just left or right of your car, depending on the angle and position, so heads up!
- Launch Ball: Behaves similarly to tip-off in Hoops
- Defend Shot: Shoots the ball towards the closest goal
These new controls can be used together
- Example: You can use Launch Ball to send it high, then Defend Shot to mimic a shot from the ceiling or high up on the wall
- Ball Reset continues to work as before (return to the kickoff position)
Defend Shot and Pass Ball don’t always work as intended in some arenas and modes, including:
- Double Goals (Rocket Labs)
- Utopia Retro (Rocket Labs)
- Dropshot
- Hoops
- [Nintendo Switch] When using a single Joy-Con for controls, Free Play Ball Control is disabled
- Fixed the appearance of several Decals including Leviathan, Chameleon, and Trigon
- Fixed a bug causing Esports Shop Decals to cover trim on Painted Car Bodies
- Fixed a bug with the News Panel