Are you searching for the latest GTA V Patch Notes? Then you’ve come to the right place.
If you’ve clicked on this link, we’re willing to bet you’re searching for the most recent changes to GTA 5 and GTA Online. That makes sense, because it’s important to know when the developers make significant changes to the game. That’s because it could have huge implications on your favourite car, or the payouts for a particular mission or heist.
Equally, it could be something as simple as a quick fix to a few bugs that have been plaguing the game for quite some time. Naturally, the implication of these updates and changes to the game can be both good and bad for your favourite cars, weapons and more.
On this page, we’re tracking all the latest changes to GTA 5 and GTA Online as they happen. From a small hotfix, to the more significant major updates which normally arrive every six months. You might forget a thousand things every day, but make sure these Patch Notes aren’t one of ’em.
Read on for absolutely everything you need to know.
Latest GTA 5 & GTA Online Patch Notes
Below is a run-through of the latest GTA 5 Patch Notes available to players, as confirmed by Rockstar Games.
Title | Content |
September 16 - PC Update coming soon?
As per Tez2, it looks like Rockstar might be making progress towards the GTA V PC version getting all the new E&E assets: |
August 29 - New Background update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
August 25 - New Background update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
August 16 - New Background update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
August 12 - New Background update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
August 2 - New Server Side Update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
July 29 - New Background Update
As per Tez2 a new background update has been pushed to GTA Online, you can see a list of the fixes just below: |
July 26 - GTA 5 Title Update 1.61 Patch Notes
New Content in Grand Theft Auto Online
Quality of Life Updates
Economy Updates
GTA+ Updates
Race Creator: PlayStation 5 / Xbox Series X|S
PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
Game Stability and Performance
Matchmaking & Networking
Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
PlayStation 5
PlayStation 5 / Xbox Series X|S
Rockstar Editor
That’s everything you need to know about the latest patch notes for GTA 5 and GTA Online. If you’re looking for more GTA guides, follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks, and explainers.
GTA 5 Cheats | GTA Online Weekly Update | GTA Online Prize Ride This Week | GTA Online Podium Car This Week | GTA+ Rewards This Month | GTA 5 Account Transfer | GTA Online Summer Update | GTA Online Independence Day 2022 | GTA 3 Cheats | GTA Vice City Cheats | GTA San Andreas Cheats |