We’re entering the onset of the 15th season of League of Legends, and this all this said, it doesn’t appear Riot is going to stop anytime soon with the patches.
Now, the full patch release calendar is here, and the next patch on the slate is 25.S1.3.
Here's all of the changes coming thus far.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3: All Champion Changes and More
he next League of Legends patch is going to change up quite a few champions, alongside changing other elements of the game, as this is the case when it comes to most LoL patches.
While these changes are going to be exciting, you’re going to want to be in the know what's coming.
Below is what we know so far.
After the hotfix, Mel has mostly stalled her winrate growth (similar to Neeko's release; another champ that has similar “play against” learning curve)
We think her abilities are intuitive and will be learnt over time (drop the stacks, play around her W). We don’t feel the need to make further balance adjustments this patch and feel like she’s in a good spot while we observe how players learn her
She’s currently extremely popular, which is great and we wanted to make her easy to play because of the influx of new/reviving players who wanted to play her from Arcane (hence the last hitting assistance, easy to use spells, etc.)
Support Items
We’re trying to strike the right balance of appropriate support power level (and how that impacts ADC satisfaction) and not tanking the satisfaction of the role
These nerfs are targeted at particularly the more damaging support items to decrease damage in the game. It’s not any higher than Season 14, but doesn’t mean it can’t go down a bit
We’re still interested in longer term solves to increase ADC and Top agency and satisfaction in particular, but these changes will take a longer time to get right and land
We’re further reducing the value of bounties when a single player is trying to claw the game back while carrying on the losing team
Attack Speed Cap
A small increase to the Attack Speed cap to 3.0; we don’t want to increase this too high as it makes piloting champions at high attack speed too challenging
However, we need to balance this against the fantasy of systems (typically items) paying themselves off fully with high attack speed values that don’t (seemingly randomly) get capped
Dragon Souls
A small rebalancing to the Dragon Souls. Cloud despite being perceived the weakest by the majority players is known as the most powerful by skilled players. Chemtech on the other hand is just underpowered across the board
Domination Tree
In 25.S1.1, we removed a decent amount of Adaptive from the Domination tree through Eyeball collector. We’re compensating for this somewhat, but not all the way by buffing all of the Domination Keystones. We think it’s still valuable that these assassin style champions (in particular) can take other keystones, so in these cases (like Blue Kayn, Evelynn) we will also buff the champions to compensate for their total power level"