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Nick FarrellMay 21, 2024

League of Legends Patch 14.11 To Change Numerous Champion Role Tags

We’re entering the onset of the 14th season of League of Legends, and this all this said, it doesn’t appear Riot is going to stop anytime soon with the patches.

Now, the full patch release calendar is here, and the next patch on the slate is 14.11.

Here's all the champion role tag changes coming. 

League of Legends Patch 14.11 To Change Numerous Champion Role Tags 

The next League of Legends patch is going to change up quite a few champions, alongside changing other elements of the game, as this is the case when it comes to most LoL patches

One of these changes are updated to all the roles it appears, as Riot is changing the following per Reddit

  • Aatrox:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter
  • Amumu:  tank / mage  -->  tank / support
  • Anivia:  mage / support  -->  mage
  • Annie:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Blitzcrank:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / support
  • Brand:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Camille:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Corki:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Diana:  fighter / mage  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Ekko:  assassin / fighter  -->  assassin / mage
  • Elise:  mage / fighter  -->  assassin / mage
  • Gwen:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter
  • Hwei:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Jax:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter
  • Kai'Sa:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Kayle:  fighter / support  -->  mage / marksman
  • Kennen:  mage / marksman  -->  mage
  • Kled:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter
  • Lucian:  marksman  -->  marksman / assassin
  • Malphite:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Malzahar:  mage / assassin  -->  mage  (not really sure where they got this one from but this system was added in s3, so it's not just a leftover from copypasting Kassadin as a base to make Malzahar)
  • Maokai:  tank / mage  -->  tank / support
  • Milio:  support  -->  support / mage
  • Miss Fortune:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Mordekaiser:  fighter  -->  fighter / mage
  • Naafiri:  assassin  -->  assassin / fighter
  • Nunu:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Ornn:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Qiyana:  assassin / fighter  -->  assassin
  • Rammus:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Rek'Sai:  fighter  -->  fighter / tank
  • Ryze:  mage / fighter  -->  mage
  • Samira:  marksman  -->  marksman / assassin
  • Sejuani:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Shyvana:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter / mage
  • Singed:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Smolder:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Swain:  mage / fighter  -->  mage / support
  • Taric:  support / fighter  -->  support / tank
  • Teemo:  marksman / assassin  -->  marksman / mage
  • Thresh:  support / fighter  -->  support / tank
  • Twisted Fate:  mage  -->  mage / marksman
  • Vel'Koz:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Vladimir:  mage  -->  mage / fighter
  • Xerath:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Xin Zhao:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter / tank
  • Zoe:  mage / support  -->  mage


A few also simply had their primary and secondary role tags swapped, but afaik the exact order doesn't actually matter anywhere (champions always count as both equally), besides again simply being an indication of what Riot sees the champion to more strongly embody:

  • Braum:  support / tank  -->  tank / support
  • Dr. Mundo:  fighter / tank  -->  tank / fighter
  • Jarvan IV:  tank / fighter  -->  fighter / tank
  • Jayce:  fighter / marksman  -->  marksman / fighter
  • Nocturne:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Senna:  marksman / support  -->  support / marksman
  • Seraphine:  mage / support  -->  support / mage
  • Skarner:  fighter / tank  -->  tank / fighter
  • Tahm Kench:  support / tank  -->  tank / support
  • Viego:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Yone:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin