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Turtle BeachNovember 30, 2022

League of Legends 12.23 Patch Notes: Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins

Winter is coming!

League of Legends next update, patch 12.23, is coming in mid-November as we prepare for pre-season.

This next update will introduce the Winterblessed skins and Riot will be making another change to the game following the pre-season update.

Here’s what’s new in update 12.23 for LoL.

Release Date

Patch update 12.22 will arrive on the 15th of November 2022.

Champion Updates

Champion Buffs

  • Zeri
    • A lot of base stat adjustments
    • Q
      • Range
        • 825>750
      • Early damage increased by a lot
    • W
      • Damage type
        • Magic>Physical
      • Cast time now has a floor instead of always being reduced with AS
      • Wall-beam cast delay
        • 0.75s>0.85s
    • E
      • For the next 5s, Zeri's Burst fire does an additional magic damage to the first enemy on-hit and pierce targets (no longer an ammo system)
      • Bonus Magic Damage
        • 20/22/24/26/28 (+20% AP)(+12% bonus AD)
      • Deals up to 65% bonus damage based on Critical Strike Chance
      • Pierce Damage falloff
        • 60/70/80/90/100%>80/85/90/95/100%
    • R
      • Bonus Magic Damage On-hit removed
      • Cast damage increased
      • If R hits at least one champion, Zeri gains 10% move speed, 30% attack speed and chain shots for 5s. Hitting champions refreshes this buff by 1.5s (up to 5s total).
      • Hitting champions grants Zeri stack (3 per crit) of Overcharge for 1.5s Zeri gains 0.5% MS for each stack of Overcharge (stacking infinitely)
  • Sion
    • Base Mana
      • 330>400
    • Mana Growth
      • 42>52
    • Q
      • Base Damage
        • 30/50/70/90/110>40/60/80/100/120
  • Cho'Gath
    • P
      • Mana Restore
        • 3.5-7.75>5-10
    • W
      • Base damage
        • 75/125/175/225/275>80/135/190/245/300
    • R
      • Cooldown
        • 80>80/70/60
  • Amumu
    • Health Growth
      • 89>100
    • Q
      • Mana Cost
        • 30/35/40/45/50>40/45/50/55/60
    • E
      • Base Damage
        • 85/110/135/160/185>80/110/140/170/200
    • W
      • Base Damage per second
        • 12/16/20/24/28(+1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6% of targets Max HP)>12/16/20/24/28(+1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2% of targets Max HP)
  • Shadow Kayn
    • P
      • Damage
        • 8-30%>13-40%
    • E
      • Heal Ratio
        • 35% bonus AD<45% bonus AD
  • Maokai
    • P
      • Healing
        • 4/4.75/5.5/6.25% based on R Rank) Max HP>4/5/7%
    • Q
      • Cooldown
        • 15/13.5/12/10.5/9>14/12.5/11/9.5/8
  • Zac
    • Q
      • Base Damage
        • 40/55/70/85/100 (+2.5% of Zac's Max Health)>40/55/70/85/100 (+4% of Zac's Max Health)
  • Tahm Kench
    • P
      • Damage
        • 8-60 (+3% bonus HP)>8-60 (+3% bonus HP) (+2% AP per 100 bonus HP)
    • Q
      • AP Ratio
        • 90%>100%
      • Self Heal Missing HP Ratio
        • 3-5%>5-7%
    • W
      • AP Ratio
        • 100%>125%
    • E
      • % Damage Stored [Alone II Near Ally]
        • 13-45% II 40-50%>>>15-47 II 42-50%
    • R
      • % Health Damage AP Ratio
        • 5% per 100 AP>7% per 100 AP
      • Shield Duration
        • 2.5s after Devour ends>Unlimited, but decays by 200 per second after Devour ends until gone
  • Malphite
    • W
      • On-hit Damage
        • 30/45/60/75/90 (+20% AP (+10% Armor)>30/45/60/75/90 (+20% AP (+15% Armor)
      • Cone Damage
        • 15/25/35/45/55 (+30% AP) (+15% Armor)>20/30/40/50/60 (+30% AP) (+25% Armor)
      • Damage
        • 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP) (+30% Armor)>70/110/150/190/230 (+60% AP) (+40% Armor)

Champion Nerfs

  • Yuumi
    • P
      • Cooldown
        • 14-6 (based on level)>18-6 (based on level)
    • R
      • Root duration
        • 1.75s>12.5s
  • Syndra
    • W
      • Bonus Damage
        • 15% (1.5% per 100AP)>12% (+2% per 100AP)
    • E
      • AP Ratio
        • 55%>45%
      • Cooldown
        • 15s>17s
  • Mordekaiser
    • P
      • Procs on all monster hits>procs on large monster hits
    • Monster Cap
      • 180 at all levels>28-164
  • Shyvana
    • E
      • On-hit damage
        • 3.5% of target's max hp>3% of target's max hp
  • Trundle
    • Base attack speed
      • 0.67>0.60
    • R
      • Damage based on the target's maximum health
        • 20/27.5/35%>20/25/30%
  • Lilliia
    • Q
      • Base Damage
        • 70-190>80-160

Champion Adjustments

  • Kassadin
  • Dr Mundo
System Changes And Items
  • Sunfire Aegis (Buff)
    • Combine Cost
      • 1000>900
    • Total Cost
      • 2800>2700
    • Health
      • 400>500
  • Revenous Hydra (Nerf)
    • Omnivamp from full stacks
      • 4%>0%
    • Splash Damage
      • 60%/30%>50%/25%
  • Jungle Adjustments
Bug Fixes & QoL
  • TBC
New Skins


  • Winterblessed Zoe
  • Winterblessed Swain
  • Winterblessed Shaco
  • Winterblessed Zilean
  • Witnerblessed Warwick

Ashen Graveknight

  • Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser

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