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Turtle BeachJune 17, 2022

League of Legends 12.12 Patch Notes: Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins

Snow & Moon

League of Legends next update, patch 12.12, arrives in late-June.

The most recent patch adjusted a number of changes within the entire game, fixing a few issues that were presented in the big durability update.

As the next update looms, new Ocean Song skins will drop in time for Summer.

Here’s what’s new in update 12.11 for LoL.

Release Date

The 12.12 update will arrive in League of Legends on Wednesday 23rd June 2022.

Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:

  • 3 am PT (NA servers)
  • 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
  • 3 am CET (EUNE servers)
Champion Updates

Champion Buffs

  • Amumu
    • Q
      • Mana Cost: 70>30-50
    • R
      • Damage: 150-350>200-400
  • Annie
    • Q
      • AP Ratio: 75%>80%
    • R
      • Tibbers HP: 1200-3000>1300-3100
      • Tibbers Resists: 30-70>30-90
  • Blitzcrank
    • Q
      • Damage: 90-290>105-305
    • R
      • Damage: 250-500>275-525
  • Heimerdinger
    • Turret Health: 150-575>175-700
    • Turret Base Damage: 6-18>7-23
    • E
      • Cooldown: 12s>11s
  • Ivern
    • P
      • Base Health Cost: 23%>20%
      • Base Mana Cost: 34.5%>30%
    • E
      • Shield: 70-190>80-220
    • Daisy Base HP: 1250-3750>1300-3900
    • Daisy Resistances: 15-90>20-100
  • Jarvan
    • Mana per level: 40>55
    • P
      • Cooldown: 6s>6/5/4/3 (lvls 1/6/11/16)
  • Seraphine
    • E
      • Cooldown: 11-9>10
    • E
      • CC Duration: 1>1.5
  • Yorick
    • Mist walker Base Health: 100-185 (+15% Yorick's HP)>110-212 (+20% Yorick's HP)
    • Mist Walker move speed: 300-325
    • Maiden Base Health: 300-3000 (+70% Yorick's HP)>350-3300 (+75% Yorick's HP)
    • Maiden Base Health: 300-3000 (+70% Yorick's HP)>350-3300 (+75% Yorick's HP)

Champion Nerfs

  • Bel'Veth
    • Auto-Attack Range: 125>175
    • HP regen: 8.5 + 8.5/lvl
    • P
      • Value of stacks .25%-1.25% AS(by lvl 18)> .28%-1% AS (by lvl13)
      • Can now gain stacks off large minions
    • Q
      • Fixed a bug where Q would cause R's true damage on-hit to deal double damage
    • E
      • Damage per hit: 8-20>8-16
    • R
      • Explosion missing health damage: 25-35%>25%
      • Bonus auto-attack range: 50-100>50
      • Void remora health: 70%>50-70%
      • Fixed a bug where Bel'veth would lose R's bonus health is she devoured a void epic coral while already in her true form
  • Dr. Mundo
    • P
      • Regen: 1-2%>0.8-1.6%
    • R
      • Base Health increase: 10-20% missing health>8-15% missing health
  • Fiora
    • P
      • Max % Health True Damage: 3% (+5.5% per 100 bonus aD)>2% (+5.5% per 100 bonus aD)
  • Janna
    • W
      • MS: 6-12%>6-10%
      • Slow: 24-40%>20-36%
      • Shield Strength: 75-175 (+60% AP)>65-165 (+55% AP)
  • Lucian
    • Base AD: 62>60
    • Q
      • Damage: 95-235>95-215
  • Singed
    • W
      • Slow: 60%>50-70%
    • R
      • Base Stats: 30-90>20-100
  • Viego
    • P
      • Heal on possession: 2.5%>2% target's max HP
    • R
      • Bonus damage: 15-25% missing HP>12-20% missing HP
    • W>E
      • No longer instantly stealths Viego
  • Zeri
    • Health Regen: 3.25>4.5
    • Health Regen Growth: 0.55>0.7
    • W
      • Damage: 10-150 (150% tAD)(+70% AP)>>>20-160 (+130% tAD)(+60%AP)

Champion Adjustments

  • Katarina Build Paths
    • P
      • Dagger bonus AD Ratio: 75%>65%
    • E
      • Damage: 15-75 (+50% tAD)>>>+40% tAD)
    • R
      • Bonus AD Ratio: 16% + 12.8% per 1.0 Attacks/s>16% + 16% per 1.0 Attacks/s
    • On Hit Ratio per Dagger: 25-35%>28-38%
  • Shaco Build Paths
    • Armor growth: 4.7>4
    • HP Growth: 103>99
    • Q
      • AD Ratio: 25%>40%
    • W
      • AP Ratio: 9%>12%
    • E
      • AP Ratio: 50%>60%
    • E
      • AD Ratio: 70%>75% AD
  • Yuumi Healing
    • P
      • Shield: 56-360>60-380
    • E
      • Base Heal: 70-190>70-150
  • Soraka Healing
    • R
      • Healing: 125-275>150-350
    • No longer removes Grievous Wounds
System Changes And Items


  • Predator
    • Max MS: 45%>25%-50% (on levels)
    • Damage: 40-120 (+20% bAD)(+10% AP)>20-180 (+25%bAD)(+15%AP)
    • CD: 90-60>120-60


  • Night Harvester
    • Now includes Fiendish Codex
Bug Fixes & QoL
  • TBC
New Skins

High Noon Skins

  • Snow Moon Caitlyn (1350 RP)
  • Snow Moon Caitlyn Illaoi
  • Snow Moon Kayn (1350 RP)

Ashen Moon Skins

  • Ashen Moon Pantheon (100 ME)

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