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Turtle BeachAugust 18, 2022

Gears 6: Release Date News, Leaks and Everything We Know


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Gears 6: Release Date News, Leaks and Everything We Know


August 18, 2022

Is Gears 6 in development? You would have to imagine that The Coalition will be working on the next game in the flagship Xbox exclusive third-person shooter.

Right now The Coalition and Xbox Game Studios have yet to officially announce Gears 6, but we think it’s only a matter of time before the series makes its return.

Read on for everything we know about the next entry in the series including when it might release, how it might build on Gears 5 and all the latest news and leaks so far.

18 Aug Update - Checked for the latest Gears 6 news. All the most recent updates are found just below.

Latest News

June 15, 2022 - The long wait continues
June 6, 2022 - Xbox Confirms Extended Showcase on June 14
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Release Date

As noted previously, Gears 6 hasn’t been officially announced by either the developer or publisher, but we have some thoughts on when we might see Gears 6 release.

Previously the developers have normally spent between 2-3 years between each outing, and we’re now coming up on three years since the release of Gears 5 in 2019. However, it seems like we could be waiting quite a bit longer for our next entry in the series.

On May 10, 2021, The Coalition released a new blog post which outlined the studio would be switching over to Unreal Engine 5. “Shifting to a new engine is a big undertaking, so we want to be clear that we will not be announcing any new projects or titles for some time,” the studio announced.

This potentially means we could be waiting a good few more years until we see Gears 6 and if we had to estimate we would say that a new game is still a few years away. An optimistic suggestion might be the end of 2023, but it’s more likely The Coalition release Gears 6 in 2024 or 2025 if things are really

Gears 6 Plot

Although Gears 5 is a sequel to Gears of War 4 it took the unusual step of pivoting away from the game’s main character. In Gears 4 the game’s main story focussed on J.D. Fenix, the son of Marcus Fenix and Anya Stroud. But Gears 5, switched the focus to Kait Diaz, who was a prominent side character from Gears 4 who accompanies J.D.


As players will know from the ending of Gears 5, Kait is faced with a terrible choice between saving either JD, or Delmont “Del” Walker. Whoever she picks, the other is killed by Reyna, the swarm queen and Kait’s mother. It’s not clear which death is considered canon in the series, but we’ve no doubt that Gears 6 will likely continue the story with Kait as she hunts down her mother, the Queen of the Swarm.

Will JD be in gears 6? Hear us out, whilst we know there’s two ways The Coalition could go, we wouldn’t rule out the possibility that Marcus Fenix returns as the lead character if the team does decide to make JD’s death canon. There’s certainly something to say about igniting fan interest in the franchise by making the Marcus the lead once again as an angry aging dad hell bent on revenge.

Gears 6 Gameplay Predictions

Gears of War isn’t going to stray too far from the third-person action game and the cover shooter mechanics that have made the series famous. But lets be honest, the series needs something to make it stand apart from those previous entries.

We’d certainly be interested to see Gears lean more into the open-world, RPG mechanics introduced in Gears 5, although maybe making it a little tighter. If you think that sounds daft, just consider that Halo Infinite embraced the open-world, so why not Gears on an even bigger scale.

Based on The Coalition’s Unreal Engine 5 demo (below) there’s not a lot we can learn, but if it looks this good, then count us in for the ride.