August 23, 2022
“One moment please Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity”, chances are you’ve encountered this error message a few times before, but with Destiny 2 going free-to-play and becoming more and more popular with every passing year, it’s more likely than ever that you’ll be greeted with this annoying message.
The error message itself will impact players across all platforms, including PC, PlayStation [PS4/PS5], or Xbox [Series S/X], and is also fairly prominent on days when new seasons begin or large patches are released.
But what does ‘Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity’ actually mean and can you fix it? Read on for everything you need to know to help you get back into the game as quickly as possible.
What does Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity mean?
The error message is fairly self-explanatory but for those who don’t understand, when Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity it means that the servers for Destiny 2 are quite literally full, and cannot accommodate any more players at that current time. Hence ‘at capacity’.
Why is Destiny 2 temporarily at capacity? With the release of new seasons or big updates, all players are removed from the game and when it reopens normally the game is flooded with new players creating a bit of a bottleneck. In turn, the game’s servers will also be a bit temperamental for anyone lucky enough to get in around this time, as it tends to struggle to deal with quite so many players jumping into the game all at once.
How Long Is The Destiny 2 Temporarily At Capacity Wait Time
Unfortunately, though, there’s no way to fix or speed up this error and trying to predict a wait time for players is also very hard to do.
Typically when these types of server issues occur Guardians will be added into a queue, which will eventually push them into the game once the servers have created enough room to add more players.
But that could be anything from 30 minutes to a few hours depending on how many players have jumped into the game itself. You’re probably more likely to experience these sorts of queues when a new expansion arrives, like Witch Queen or Lightfall. Though with new seasons launching (Season 18 being the next) it’s also quite likely that players will encounter this error, too.
The best thing you can do is either hang tight and wait for your turn to jump into the game, or find something else to play for a bit.
We’d also recommend keeping one eye on the Bungie Help Twitter account, in the event of extended server maintenance or further issues surrounding the launch of new updates/seasons/expansions.
That’s everything you need to know about the Destiny 2 Is Temporarily At Capacity Error Message. However, if you’re looking for more Destiny 2 guides then follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks and explainers.
Destiny 2 Weekly Reset | Destiny 2 Weekly Challenges | Destiny 2 Xur Location This Week | Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Map & Rewards This Week | Destiny 2 Legendary Shards Glitch | Everything We Know About Destiny 2: Lightfall
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