Treyarch's latest entry into the Call of Duty franchise is one that adds a ton of new weapons for players to try their hand at.
Citadelle des Morts is the latest zombies map to be added, and it's going to implement some new additions such as more ammo mods.
Here's all of the new ones coming.
Black Ops 6 Zombies Citadelle des Morts: All New Ammo Mods
Zombies will be getting a brand new map in the form of Citadelle des Morts, and it sure looks promising.
Featured in this new map are going to be the likes of new zombie types, elemental swords, and some new ammo mods.
The new ammo mods are:
Light Mend
- Bullets deal Light (i.e. elemental) damage. Each bullet has a chance to transform a normal or Special enemy’s health into a healing glyph that moves to nearby injured allies.
In the meantime, be sure to get well equipped for the action with our Stealth Ultra Xbox controller