Treyarch's latest entry into the Call of Duty franchise is one that adds a ton of new weapons for players to try their hand at.
Now, players are waiting for the release of Season 1 which is going to implement some much needed content for zombies.
Here's what we know about the elemental swords coming to Citadel Des Morts.
Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Elemental Swords
Black Ops 6 is aiming to reignite the series full force, and so far, so good, as the game has been off to a positive start.
Zombies will be getting a brand new map in the form of Citadelle des Morts, and the new wonder weapons are four elemental swords.
They are as follows.
Caliburn: Dragon’s Fire
Create a fiery maelstrom of burning undead flesh, setting zombies alight and summoning an immense fireball.
Durendal: Stag of the Storms
Summon thunderous power from the skies, discharging voltaic power to stun and stagger, before an electrical beam serves up a severe searing.
Balmung: Raven’s Shadow
Cast your rotting foes into the Aetherial abyss, warping nearby enemies with a focused liminal tear.
Solais: Lion of Light
The warmth of Light courses through you as you send foes screaming into darkness.
While it remains a mystery into how players will be able to unlock them, we'll be sure to post a guide when we know more.
In the meantime, be sure to get well equipped for the action with our Stealth Ultra Xbox controller